New Conical Corset Tutorials
I am very pleased to announce four new tutorials. These have been sitting on my computer for a couple months now, and I couldn’t be happier to finally share them with you. The first two tutorials cover basic conical corset making, useful for creating a quality, fully functional foundation garment using modern materials. The first drafting tutorial covers the creation of a conical corset block, which is the starting point for all conical corset patterns I draft. The second drafting tutorial shows how to convert the block into a basic tabbed renaissance corset pattern like the one I used for the corset making tutorials.
Corset Making Tutorials
How to Edge Around Tabs
This tutorial shows binding the edge of a corset around tabs using a sewing machine, and describes partial hand-stitching for the binding. The binding can also be entirely hand-stitched, but to save time I normally either completely machine-sew the binding, or machine-sew the front side of the binding.
Sewing Basic Strapless “Renaissance” Stays with Modern Materials
This tutorial shows how to make basic strapless Renaissance stays or bodies, which will work as a foundation garment for any costume requiring a conical silhouette. The goal of this method is to create stays as easily and simply as possible, using readily available modern materials, while still providing a proper Renaissance fashion silhouette. If your goal is to create an historically accurate pair of stays, this is NOT the method you will want to use.
Corset Pattern Drafting Tutorials
How to Draft a Basic Conical Block (Torso Only)
This tutorial shows how to create a conical corset block for the center of the torso. It does not include shoulder straps. This block is the basis of all conical corset and stay patterns that I draft. It is not, in and of itself, a working pattern. It shows one solid half of the torso (center front to center back), and has no seam allowances. This method of making a basic block will work for most body types.
Drafting Basic Strapless Renaissance Stays (Front or Back Lacing)
This drafting tutorial is based on the basic conical block. The piecing of this pattern is a modern re-enactment design, intended to give the proper fashion silhouette for the minimum amount of work. The shape of the body is modeled after Dorothea Sabine von Neuburg’s pair of bodies, minus the shoulder straps. The front-most tab placement is modeled after the pair of Effigy bodies.