Blackwork Embroidery Patterns – New Transcriptions
I have transcribed two more Elizabethan freehand blackwork embroidery patterns, both from extant smocks in the Victoria and Albert Museum collections. I was very excited to find the museum listing for the lattice pattern. I have admired the embroidery design on Pinterest for years, but the link was no longer any good and I had failed to find it on several attempts in the past. I found it the other day when looking for something else in their collections, and I couldn’t have been happier about it. I finally had confirmation that the embroidery was indeed an extant piece, rather than a modern created piece in the Elizabethan style.
One other thing that was neat to find out upon inspection of a higher resolution image, is that the latice pattern embroidery is the only example of double-running stitch I have seen used on freehand blackwork (or redwork) embroidery in period.
I am providing all of these designs for personal use, free of charge. They are also available for non-profit educational use, provided I, Sidney Eileen, am given credit for the transcriptions. If you do make something using or inspired one of my designs or transcriptions, I would love to see your creation. Please share it here, on my facebook page, or tag me in a tweet (@Sidney_Eileen), instagram (@sidney_eileen), or facebook post (@bySidneyEileen). It’s the amazing things all of you do that inspire me to provide resources like this one.
These patterns and any others I have posted can also be found all in one place on the page, Freehand Blackwork Embroidery Patterns.

1560 – 1580, Linen fabric, linen thread, embroidered with red silk thread; hand-woven, hand-embroidered, hand-sewn.