Transfer of Energy Sigil
The Transfer of Energy Sigil is designed to gently imbue other spells, sigils, objects, places, people, etc. with energy, but never to the point of being overfull or overcharged. It does nothing independently, but instead requires a focus to work upon. The energy imbued comes naturally from excess energy in the world, and transforms to be perfectly compatible with the focus. When the focus is a person, it can help offset fatigue, even chronic fatigue.
NOTE: Chronic conditions are CHRONIC. No sigil will cure a chronic condition, so keep that in mind when using this sigil. Instead of curing, the goal is to help foster higher quality of life through managing symptoms, increasing accessibility of medical care and other therapies, and increasing the efficacy of proper medical treatment.
Intentions for the Transfer of Energy Sigil
The core of the Transfer of Energy Sigil is the circle at the center, which is large and open to hold the thing being charged, a representation of the thing being charged, or to indicate that there is a focus that has been magically set even if it is not visually or physically represented. All other symbols are arranged to bring energy into that focal place.
The sigil brings in power from the excess energy available in the world, or from focused consumables like candles, incense, water that is left to evaporate, LED candles (battery power is consumed), etc. This is represented by the multiple pentagrams, arrows, and dots, which indicate activity and movement.
The transference of energy is gentle, and transforms into a resonance that is perfectly compatible with the focus that has been set for the sigil. This is represented by the hearts, and by the open feet of the pentagrams sitting on the circle, spreading out the energy so it hits with gentle pressure instead of spearing in and potentially causing harm.
Wards against overfilling or overcharging are represented by the crescent moon shapes which filter the energy coming in through the pentagrams, and cradle the hearts of gentle energy. This is to prevent burnout or magical strain, even when a focus is used indefinitely or permanently. In this way, it is very much like using a charging pad for your electronics, where it will impart energy until the focus is full, and then it will wait until the focus is below capacity to send more energy.
The sigil also encourages healthy growth through arrows that are shaped like trees. Like with plants, when the focus has the capacity to grow it will happen in a healthy and supported way. If the focus needs all available energy for maintenance, then it will hold fast and focus on health.
The overall design is balanced, with five of each main sigil branch alternating around the circle. It has no up, and no down. It provides a conduit for balancing and transferring energy, pulling upon excess in the environment or world, and giving it to the focus.
Using the Transfer of Energy Sigil
How you use this particular sigil very much depends upon what you wish to transfer energy into, since the sigil does nothing without such a focus. As always, take my advice as suggestions, and modify anything to suit your personal taste, practice, and/or tradition.
If you are drawing or recreating the sigil yourself, your rendering of the sigil does not need to be perfect. Intent is what matters, so do not worry if you cannot draw it “perfectly”. As long as all the elements are there, you are good.
Mitigating Chronic Fatigue & Temporary Fatigue
The Transfer of Energy Sigil IS NOT a cure for chronic fatigue, or a substitute for rest and sleep. Magically overcharging yourself or another person, or ignoring the body’s very real need for rest and sleep, is a recipe for disaster and ill health. This sigil will provide gentle, healthy levels of energy, which can help to offset temporary fatigue for a limited time, or help to reduce the ongoing impact of chronic fatigue.
It might seem strange to those who have never experienced overwhelming fatigue, but it is possible to be too fatigued to sleep well. In those cases, the sigil will help to bolster energy levels and allow for more restful sleep and relaxation time.
By temporary fatigue I mean situations like if you are working extra hours for a few days to finish a project before a deadline. The longer you deny yourself rest and sleep, the less effective the sigil will become, as the body physically will have less and less capacity for energy.
If you are using this to help reduce the impact of chronic fatigue, keep in mind that you will still need to give your body plenty of rest and other physical care. That way you will have the greatest possible capacity for energy, and can hopefully experience some gentle growth.
- Print out the sigil or draw it on a surface. In the circle, write the name of the person being energized.
- Print out the sigil or draw it on a surface. In the circle, place a photo or symbolic representation of the person being energized.
- Use fabric transfer paper to print the sigil and transfer it onto fabric like clothing, scarves, throws, and pillows. Wear, sit on, lean against, or wrap yourself in the sigil to transfer energy into yourself.
- Embroider or paint the sigil onto a piece of fabric or clothing item to wear or wrap yourself in.
- Print out the sigil or draw it on a surface. In the circle, place a bath bomb, bath salts, soap, lotion, or other self-care items to use on yourself when you are fatigued.
- Embroider, paint, or transfer the sigil onto a stuffed animal to hug or cuddle when you are fatigued.
- Draw the sigil on the skin using tattoo markers, henna, sharpie, etc.
- Print the sigil onto temporary tattoo paper and apply it to your body.
- Tattoo the sigil onto your body. If you are considering doing this, I highly recommend first using a temporary body art method to see how the sigil works for you.
Charging and Empowering Other Sigils, Spells, & Rituals
You can use the Transfer of Energy Sigil to increase the energy and potency of other sigils, spells, and rituals. All that is required is to clearly indicate the focus along with the sigil. This can be an effective way to add extra oomph for minimal effort, whether you are a spoonie or fully abled.
- Print out the sigil or draw it on a surface. In the circle, draw the sigil you wish to add power to.
- Print out the sigil or draw it on a surface. Place a completed spell object or representation of a spell (jar spell, doll, statuette, crystal, etc.) in the center of the circle.
- Place the sigil on your altar while you work a spell or ritual.
- Embroider, paint, or print the sigil onto an altar cloth to use for your spell or ritual.
- Light candles, incense, and other consumables around the sigil to add their power into the transference.
- Place representations of specific kinds of energy you want to imbue around the sigil. For example, to provide water energy, place a vessel with water beside the sigil. To transfer compassion, use a heart or flower. To transfer new beginnings use a seed or acorn. Herbs, crystals, astrological symbols, runes, etc.
Charging Crystals, Stones, Enchanted Items, Objects, Elements, etc.
It is common in witchcraft to charge crystals, stones, enchanted items, objects of all kinds, water, food, candles, and just about anything else a witch might be inclined to use in their practice. Depending upon what you use particular things for, and how your personal practice goes, charging things may be something you do on a frequent or regular basis. Charging things under a full moon, or under the midday sun, are two such examples.
The Transfer of Energy Sigil can be used alone to charge things, or it can be used in concert with other methods of charging to increase their efficacy and speed. I think of it as the magical equivalent to using a fast-charger, where it will speed up and smooth the entire process.
- Print out the sigil or draw it on a surface. Place the thing you wish to charge within the circle, or centered on the sigil if it is too large to fit in the circle.
- Paint, draw, or transfer the sigil onto a bag. Place the thing(s) you wish to charge within the bag.
- To specifically transfer moon, sun, planetary, or conjunction energy, include the sigil when setting up for such charging.
- To specifically transfer elemental energy, place a representation of the element(s) you wish to imbue around the sigil. This can be drawings, photos, alchemical symbols, or physical representations of the elements like a vessel of water, a burning candle, incense, a bell, a vessel with dirt in it, rocks or crystals, etc.
- To specifically transfer divine energy, place a representation of that divinity near the sigil and focus.
- Place near the sigil and focal item a representation of any kind of specific energy you wish to transfer.
- To charge an element for use in spells and workings, place it within the circle. This can be a closed vessel with water for later use, a candle that has not yet been anointed or used, sand or dirt, a bundle of incense, etc.
Making Energy Offerings
You can use the Transfer of Energy Sigil to make energetic offerings even when you do not personally have the energy to give (spoonie witchcraft, amIright?). Basically, you make the focus of the sigil the deity, entity, spirit, place, being, etc. to which you want to make an energy offering.
- Print out or draw the sigil on a surface. In the center of the circle write the name, description, photo, or a symbol representing the recipient of the offering.
- Print out or draw the sigil on a surface. In the center of the circle place a statuette, effigy, or representation of the recipient of the offering. Example: a shell for Aphrodite, or a stag figurine for Cernunnos.
- Draw the sigil in the dirt, or draw it using water to offer energy to a place.
- Draw or print the sigil onto paper or another biodegradable surface. Bury it, hide it under a rock, or tuck it into a tree or other hidden location on or near that which you want to make an offering to.
Creating Magical Batteries
This is essentially a way to create a temporary enchantment using the Transfer of Energy Sigil. You use the sigil to transfer energy into a physical vessel like a crystal, stone, or piece of metal, glass, or other item, so that energy may be used later as needed. This is ideal for situations where you can easily carry a token, but a sigil would be cumbersome or stand out too much, like for those who are in the broom closet.
Like with electronics batteries, your magical battery will slowly bleed energy when it is just sitting. Check your magical battery and recharge it as needed, especially after use. Different kinds of materials and objects will hold energy for different lengths of time, and deliberately consecrating, enchanting, and using a magical battery will extend its battery life and energy capacity. Unlike with rechargeable electronic batteries, magical batteries will become more effective and longer lasting with use.
If nothing obvious springs to mind, I recommend experimenting to figure out which kinds of materials will work best as a battery for you. If you are not sure where to start, begin with earthy items like crystal, stone, metal, and glass. Human-made materials like resins will work excellent for some people, and not at all for other people. Jewelry items, keys, ornaments, charms, stuffies, and toys are also excellent candidates. On the more utilitarian end of the spectrum, you can use things like lamps, tea mugs, pillows, slippers, and throw blankets.
- Print out or draw the sigil on a surface. In the center of the circle place the object that you wish to use as a batter and leave it until it feels full.
- Paint, draw, or transfer the sigil onto a bag. Place the battery within the bag.
- Paint, draw, etch, engrave, or otherwise permanently mark the sigil onto the magical battery.
- Every time you want to charge the battery, inscribe the sigil onto it using a temporary medium like water, salt water, moon water, essential oil, pencil, charcoal, etc.
- If desired, imbue your battery with a specific kind of energy like described above.
- When the battery is full, carry it with you or set it aside until it is needed. Then, draw upon the energy within the battery in place of using the sigil.
- If you want to approach magical batteries animistically, you can look for an item that wants to help out as a battery. This will enable it to consciously hold onto energy for you, give energy to you when you need it, and remind you when the battery needs recharging.
- If you use servitors or work with ally spirits in your practice, they can provide very similar benefits when attached to a magical battery.
Extending Electronic Battery Life
You can use the sigil on an electronic device to imbue it with energy, helping to extend physical battery life. It can also potentially help to invigorate processing and transfer speeds. The Transfer of Energy Sigil is extremely compatible with the Sigil for Health and Longevity of Electronic Devices.
- Draw it on the inside of the protective case for your device.
- Put a sticker with the sigil on the device, its protective case, bag, holder, etc.
- Draw or paint the sigil on a surface and set your device in/on the circle when you are not using it to reduce battery use while idle.
Grounding Out Excess Energy
There are times when a witch might draw in too much energy. Usually this happens due to a particularly potent working or ritual, but it can also happen at other times. Excess energy can wreck havoc with a person, so it is very important to ground out the excess, rather than carrying it around with you. Since the Transfer of Energy Sigil is designed to draw upon energies that are in excess, you can use yourself as the source of energy and transfer it into a focus. This also means it will not overdraw from your personal energy, which is especially useful if you are developing your skills with energy manipulation, because it means you cannot over-ground and harm yourself in the other direction.
An ideal focus in this case would be a magical battery, but you can send your excess personal energy into any focus that you desire, including everything described above.
- Draw or paint the sigil on a surface and set the focus or a representation of the focus in the center of the circle. Place your hands to either side of the sigil and release your excess energy. You do not need to force it or send it, and try not to resist it. It is like a sigh, softly letting the energy go from your body.
The Transfer of Energy Sigil is not Vampiric
Yes, the Transfer of Energy Sigil moves energy from the environment or specific components, and puts it into the focus of the sigil However, it does so in a way that is healthy and balanced. The intentions specify that the energy pulled in is free-floating or excess, meaning that it will never pull energy to the point of harming something else.
If you are providing something outside the sigil with the intention of bringing in that particular kind of energy, it still will not drain that thing to the point of harm. If the outside object does not have energy to give in and of itself, the Transfer of Energy Sigil will pull from the environment, the world, and the universe, the kind of energy that you are specifying. An alchemical symbol, for example, does not hold elemental energy unto itself, but instead provides a focus and a gateway to access such energies in the world around us.
I honestly expect that it someone tried to use this in a malicious way, intending to siphon energy off of another person to the point of harm, it would instead impart energy. If the person using it in this way was an energy vampire with excess energy of their own already, it most likely would swap the focus to create balance, giving energy to the intended victim instead of stealing it from them.
The Importance of Consent
Please keep in mind that consent is very important when sending energy to another person. Please make sure they are aware of your intention, and agree to being the focus of your working. If you are animistic, or want to send energy to a spirit ally or deity, it is a good idea to follow similar consent practices when sending them energy.
Tattoos and Body Art of the Transfer of Energy Sigil
If you want to get a tattoo of any of my sigils, you do not need to ask me for personal permission. Permission is granted. However, I do recommend that you carefully consider whether or not the sigil in question is actually something you need working on you constantly for the rest of your life. If the answer is no, temporary body art is probably the better way to go, even if you recreate it on a frequent or semi-regular basis.
I also strongly recommend using a temporary body art method to test-drive the sigil before getting it permanently inked. This can let you test the impact of the sigil, including how placement changes the effects. This isn’t just some cool design that you like. It is a piece of magic and will have impact beyond aesthetics.
If you do decide getting a tattoo of one of my sigils is the way to go, I would love it if you showed me how it turned out! You can send me a message through my website or social media. If you post the photo to the internet please tag me on social media so I can see.
Print-on-Demand Purchase of the Transfer of Energy Sigil
I have set up the Transfer of Energy Sigil print-on-demand in my RedBubble shop, so it can be more convenient to use for those who do not have the time/skills/energy to redraw or recreate the sigil. I have set the items in the shop to 0% commission, so the prices you see are the base prices. Due to my own health problems, I am incapable of doing order fulfillment or running a business, and as a spoonie witch I want the convenience of purchasing for myself as well.
Print-on-demand is provided purely as a convenience, not as a business endeavor. That means I am unlikely to rush to meet any requests for available items or sigils, and I have no control over RedBubble’s order fulfilment processes. I have not purchased or tested the vast majority of products available from RedBubble, but I have set them up in ways that I hope will be issue-free.
Sharing the Transfer of Energy Sigil
The sigil graphic does contain enough text to help clarify it when it is shared out in the wilds of the internet, but best practice is to include a link back to this article. That way others who see it can find out exactly what it is charged to do, in detail. Sigils are most effective when the user knows exactly what they were created to do, and that is also the only way they can be certain this sigil is right for them and their situation.
This sigil is Creative Commons licensed:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit Sidney Eileen and license their new creations under the identical terms.
Want to Make Your Own Sigils?
I use the method described in the excellent book Sigil Witchery, by Laura Tempest Zakroff. You do not need to consider yourself an artist to make your own sigils.
Want More Sigils?
Go to my Sigil Magic page to find all of the sigils I have created and shared publicly.