Tag: sigil

Sigils Tarot & Divination Witchcraft

Clear Vision Sigil

The Clear Vision Sigil is designed to help clear blockages to intuition so that you can have the clearest possible vision and understanding of your own intuition. It may be used for focused purposes, like with divination, mediumship, or communicating with deities, ancestors, and spirits. It can also be used to help generally increase your connection to your own intuition and your understanding of the subtler things around you.

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Sigils Witchcraft

Sigil to Calm Hormonal Mood Swings

The intent of the Sigil to Calm Hormonal Mood Swings is to reduce the severity of hormonal mood swings and help the hormonal cycle stay in a healthy rhythm. No matter your age or gender, it can help to reduce the severity of those mood swings, and help you remain consciously aware and keep your head even if the mood swings get bad. It will also help to regulate your cycles so that they are in as healthy a rhythm as possible for you.

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Sigils Witchcraft

Peace of Mind Sigil

The Peace of Mind Sigil is designed to help find peace and equilibrium in difficult circumstances, especially those which are out of your control. It focuses on internal emotional processes that will help with navigating unavoidable circumstances and maintaining a strong equilibrium in the face of difficulties. It also helps with discernment, so you can determine if there is a way to remove yourself from the influence of uncontrollable circumstances, whether in part of in whole.

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Sigils Witchcraft

Updated Sigil Graphics

I have created updated sigil graphics, so that all community use sigils are now available in a graphic that includes either the specific intents of the sigil, or an incantation to accompany the sigil. This is to help clarify the intents of the sigils when they are found out in the wilds of the internet, and to aid with effective sharing.

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Sigils Witchcraft

Incantation for Sigil for Cats to Use the Litterbox

The Sigil for Cats to Use the Litterbox may be used to magically encourage your cats to use the litter box, but physical effort is also very important. I highly recommend keeping your litterbox(s) full and clean, and taking all possible steps to make the litter box as attractive as possible if you actually want success in this area. No amount of spellwork is going to cause a cat to use the litter box if it is dirty and unappealing, and really, who could blame them?

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