Stay Strong, My Love
This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website.
Celest copyright to *Razorblade-LoveC666
Tozame copyright to *Tozame
Art copyright to me, Sidney Eileen
Celest’s pose and clothing loosely based on stock by *Goldfishdreams-stock (link no longer active)
This piece of art is dedicated to Celest and Tozame, the love that they have for each other, and the commitment to stand beside each other, no matter how dark the world seems. May the light of your love always provide you comfort through the worst of times, and may it make the good times even better.
This is also my entry into dA’s 7th anniversary anthro gallery contest, by sheer fortuitous timing. I had already composed the piece in my head and hunted down reference material before I found out about the gallery contest. I had also originally intended a slightly different image than the final piece, with characters that were no one in particular, and more going on in the periphery. Some things happened while I was still in the sketch stage, and I was reminded about what a difficult year Celest and Tozame have been having, and how amazing their devotion is. I decided that I couldn’t do better than to include them as the subjects of my drawing, and I hope very sincerely that they approve. They were unaware I was drawing this.
*Razorblade-LoveC666 and *Tozame have permission to repost this image in part or whole, as long as credit and a linkback are provided in the same location as the image.