Tarot & Divination

Tarot & Divination The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

Revisiting 20-Year Gone Personal Practice

This past weekend a box was found in the back shed at my partner’s parent’s home.  This box, thought long gone, had been missing since a move twenty years ago, and it contained almost all my magical tools and altar supplies at the time.  I would have been homeless at the time if not for my chosen family. What belongings I kept went into the garage, apparently except for this one box, turning it into a personal time capsule of my magical practice at the age of 23.

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Sigils Tarot & Divination Witchcraft

Clear Vision Sigil

The Clear Vision Sigil is designed to help clear blockages to intuition so that you can have the clearest possible vision and understanding of your own intuition. It may be used for focused purposes, like with divination, mediumship, or communicating with deities, ancestors, and spirits. It can also be used to help generally increase your connection to your own intuition and your understanding of the subtler things around you.

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Tarot & Divination The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

What Exactly Is the Point of Divination Anyway?

One very common practice in witchcraft, paganism, and most pagan-tangential traditions is divination. It is found worldwide, in every culture, in some form or another, throughout history, and is one of the few fundamentally human activities found anywhere and anywhen. Even when divination is vilified and outlawed, it is still present, practiced in the shadows. Just about anything can be used as a vehicle for divination, but tarot is fabulously popular currently, even in mundane circles. But why do we do it? What exactly do we get out of it?

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I decided to take the plunge and set up a modest Patreon account, where you can get advance reading, give input, and see special material. It is set up for those of you who can and want to support my creative efforts, even though I can’t promise lavish rewards.

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