Fine Art Still Life Work in Progress

Sunflowers at Midnight

This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website, even if the item was never or is no longer displayed in my portfolios.

Originally posted March 10, 2009. WIP images originally posted March 4, 2009.

Title: Sunflowers at Midnight, Artist: Sidney Eileen, Medium: oils on canvas board
Sunflowers at Midnight

9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board
3 layers of paint
Reference: a photo provided by my instructor, taken by one of his friends

Class project finished. It didn’t at all match the point of the project, but I was very happy with how it turned out. The photo was taken during daylight, but I transformed it into a night scene.

The bottom layer is the background, and then single stroke applications of the petals in yellow paint. The yellow blended with the blue of the background to create the deepest green shadows.

The second layer is more yellow to the hilights of the petals, and some depth to the centers of the flowers. Also, most of the highlights on the stems and other genuinely green spots.

The third layer was yet more yellow on the petals, and a tiny bit more depth to the centers of the flowers.

Sunflowers At Midnight -WIP1

9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board
1 layer
Time: ~2 hours
Reference: A photo provided by my instructor

Project for my painting class.

I painted the background first, and then came back with yellow paint and added the petals. The paint blended to a green in the darker areas, and where it went on stronger it looks more yellow. I was very happy with how the technique worked, and I look forward to experimenting with it more.

I have another canvas going referencing the same photo, sticking closer to the blocking techniques my instructor was emphasizing that day, but it looks like a 5-year-old painted it, so I’m not uploading it until it looks decent.

I’m thinking about starting a third canvas, painting the same background and letting it dry before painting the flowers. Start the flowers with an ochre color, so they have a warm tone rather than a cold one.

If anyone more familiar with painting than myself wants to offer any suggestions, I would be grateful. Every sitting is a new discovery in techniques.

Sunflowers At Midnight -WIP2

9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board
2 layers
Time: ~4 hours
Reference: A photo provided by my instructor

Project for my painting class.

On this layer I mixed yellow with medium so it would be semi-transparent. I applied it thin to create some medium shadows, and thick to add stronger highlights.

If anyone more familiar with painting than myself wants to offer any suggestions, I would be grateful. Every sitting is a new discovery in techniques.