We Are Go!
The web site is up and running, fully populated, functioning (as far as I can tell), and graphically identifiable as mine. I will not be deleting my old web site, but I will be moving all the pages and replacing them with re-directs. I will also be editing all the links to this site from the various locations where I post around the internet.
This site will now be my blogging home as well. I will still copy the major posts to LiveJournal (at least for now), but if you want to follow all of my WIPs for sewing or artwork, click the RSS link or check back frequently. I will be working on a new ribbon corset in the next couple weeks, so check back if you want to see how it’s done.
Comments are fully enabled throughout the web site, both on images and on news posts. You will be asked to provide your email, but it is not posted publicly.