Conversational Fine Art Sewing Shop Workshops

Clockwork Alchemy – Panel and Artist Table

I will be attending Clockwork Alchemy, a steampunk convention hosted by Fanime, May 25-28.
I will have a table in the Artist Bazaar for the whole weekend.

I’ll have my steampunk-themed and steampunk-meme art with me for sale, both originals and limited edition prints, be taking commissions, and also possibly have a few non-corset clothing items with me for sale. I will be at the table personally most of Friday, Saturday, and Monday. Sunday I’ll be giving a panel discussion on corset making.

The official hours of the Artist Bazaar are:
Friday 12:00 pm – 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Monday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

You will need a con pass to get into the Artist Bazaar. Details on convention passes, how much they cost, and where to get them, may be found on the Clockwork Alchemy web site:

If you are on FaceBook, you can RSVP the event here:

I will be holding an all-day Corset Making Discussion on Sunday

Bring your note pad and your questions. This all-day discussion session is intended to give you a thorough overview of corset making and modification, providing knowledge and resources you can use as a launching point for your own corset making or modification endeavors, or allow you to fully understand what you are really paying for when buying a corset.

We will start off the day discussing different styles and types of corsets from different eras and different body shapes, male or female, common uses for costuming, and common fit issues. We’ll discuss how to take your measurements, and the basics of how to use those measurements to draft your own pattern, or modify a purchased pattern. From there we will continue the discussion with different construction methods and materials, and the costs, pros, and cons of each. Some decorations must be planned into constructing the corset, while others can be added to a finished corset. We’ll also discuss some ways to alter the fit of a finished corset, and finish with an extended Q&A session. Please feel free to bring your current project with you.

We will take a one hour break in the early afternoon, and other breaks as needed throughout the day. Come for part or stay for the whole day.

One day passes at the con are $40, and will also give you access to the Emperor Norton Ball that night. If you do purchase your pass that day, be sure to arrive at least an hour early because you will need to purchase at the main Fanime convention before coming to the discussion.

For full information on weekend and one day passes, and where to purchase and pick them up, please visit the Clockwork Alchemy web page:

If you are on FaceBook, you can RSVP the event here:

I will also have a couple pieces of art in the Artists’ Gallery, so if you are able to make it out at any time during the weekend, be sure to check them out along with all the other beautiful, weird, and amazing steampunk art on display.