Toxic Blood

Toxic Blood

Toxic Blood: Home Improvement

Chapter 14 – Father considered himself quite the handyman, but there are very few home improvement projects he undertook that turned out well. They were were more about deluded self-aggrandizement than a sincere desire to improve the home his family lived in, so he usually did more harm than good.

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Toxic Blood

Toxic Blood: Drugs are Bad

Chapter 12 – My parents frequently delivered trite variations on, “Drugs are bad.  Don’t ever do drugs.”  They couldn’t say more than that, because they also insisted they that they knew absolutely nothing about, had never been around, had never done, and never would do, any drugs. They are liars

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Toxic Blood

Toxic Blood: That is Satanic

Chapter 8 – I could not even begin to guess exactly how many times Mother denied various innocent requests based on “demonic” qualities.  Suffice it to say, it was a lot, and was usually applied in baffling and seemingly arbitrary ways.  When it was not arbitrary, it usually aligned with some Satanic Panic hysteria in the news at the time.

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