Fantasy Art Fine Art


This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website.

Welcome, by Sidney Eileen, white pencil on black paper, 6"x13" drawing on 12"x18" paper, 10 hours of work
white pencil on black paper,
6″x13″ drawing on 12″x18″ paper,
10 hours of work

Reference photo: by *A15-S

There will be no prints of this image. Original will be for sale in the Further Confusion 2008 art auction.

I’ve never tried to draw wet fur before, but I thought a river otter should be wet. I looked at a lot of photos of wet otters to get the fur and the head right, but I couldn’t find a single one that gave me exactly the angle I wanted, and nowhere near the kind of lighting I wanted. The only direct reference was from the male nude that inspired the piece.