This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website.
~6 hours of work
Model is Kilo, courtesy of togosleddog [link no longer valid]
I modified Kilo’s fur pattern slightly so it mostly fits Zeek’s character, as a gift for ~AlisterWolf while he’s away from home.
I am very happy with how the graphite pencil worked on the polypropylene paper. Unlike the waxy Prisma’s, the graphite actually shows up stronger than on normal paper. I normally only use B pencils for my graphite work, but on this paper even the 2H (the hardest pencil I have) was too dark, and I was forced to use my eraser far more than I like to. I think I will have to pick up a drafting graphite set for drawing on this paper.
Smearing and blending the pencil also worked differently. I could achieve quite a bit of smearing with tortillons, but it darkened the graphite a bit and the original marks remained clear. I almost never use smearing on animal pieces, but I did so quite a bit on this piece.
I think this paper would also be excellent for use with loose graphite, and for subjects with smooth surfaces, such as humans and still life.