Health Update 21 January 2014
I just got off of skype with my doctor. She’s still happy with my progress, and my blood work still looks pretty good overall, which means we’re still on course for six months of antibiotics. She’s waiting until I have insurance to order some more labs so we can get a clearer idea of what’s going on inside me (like re-testing for Anaplasma, I’m sure). I did get a letter from the state of Nevada (in all caps, very difficult to read) which confirmed that I qualified for Medicaid, but I have not yet received any of the insurance information I need to actually USE said insurance, and the letter implied that I might not get that until February. So, yay, wait…
In other related news, we did talk quite a bit about the seizures, and she wants to address them since they have gotten worse in the last six months. She is not willing to prescribe pharmaceutical anti-seizure medication (which is great, since I’m not willing to take it), but she did prescribe a homeopathic medicine I can try to help reduce overall inflammation and hopefully help with the seizures as well (can’t remember what it is at the moment, but I’ll post again on this later when I’m actually taking it). She’s also going to look into what else she can recommend to try that won’t have the massive horrid side-effects of the traditional anti-seizure medications.
I love my doctor. Integrative medicine is awesome. Best of both worlds.