Archive Project Complete

The good news is, those of you receiving email notices from my blog will stop being spammed by backdated stuff! I’m very sorry about that, but there wasn’t any way for me to prevent it from sending out email notices whenever I made a new post. I know it was a lot, but I wanted to get it done quickly.
I now have my blog fully populated with individual and group posts for all my work that’s been posted online since 2006. That means I can alter my portfolios and still have a searchable record of my work dated properly. Anyone who is interested can go back and troll my old work, and in a few places I made some current notes about old projects, especially if I never finished them. Many things may be familiar from my portfolios, but there are also some odd things thrown in there which I never included in my portfolios for various reasons.
The only thing I didn’t do is go back through my old LiveJournal blogs. They’re rather extensive, and most of the worthwhile info has long since been turned into formal tutorials that were already available here. A lot of the entries were also copied here and backdated when I first created my WordPress blog, which happened very shortly before I stopped using LiveJournal altogether.
During the worst part of my illness I was very bad about updating my blog or any social media in a coherent manner. I would share things one place but not another, in a very inconsistent way, so it was “interesting” going through my later image posts on DeviantArt and Facebook, and comparing them to what was posted to my blog. I think I found and entered all the relevant stuff. If there’s anything I missed, it will probably stay missing.
I’m still hoping to go back through some of the projects I posted to this blog while living in Las Vegas and turn them into coherent tutorials and walk thoughs, but those are different projects for different days. There are also old abandoned tutorial projects that I couldn’t manage at the time, and I need to fully reevaluate whether or not I want to pick them up again, or if they are casualties of my illness. I won’t be making hard decisions about those things today, but it is on my mind.
So, thank you for putting up with the creation of my archive. I hope you found a couple things you enjoyed along the way.