Events Witchcraft

Presenting at CTCW 2021 Virtual Conference

I have been announced as a presenter for the Changing Times Changing World 2021 virtual conference, to be held online-only via Zoom November 8-14, 2021! I will also be on a panel or two, discussing topics along with other speakers and members of the community. Tickets are only $30-$60, and are available on their registration page. You can keep up with scheduling announcements in their Facebook group, or on their Facebook page.

Exact scheduling details are not available yet, but I will be giving two solo presentations during the conference. I hope very much to see you there!

Nonbinary Perspective

Nonbinary magic and having a nonbinary perspective is for anyone, of any gender, and any path. It is about framing your view of life, the universe, and everything to include nonbinary ways of being, even if you are binary gendered or focus on male and female in your life and your practice. All that is required to have a nonbinary perspective is to acknowledge and accept that there is a whole world of genders out there in addition to male and female, not only in humanity, but also in other beings and divinities. In changing the framework through which we view the world, we can achieve greater appreciation and understanding of the amazing diversity that exists across all of human experience. Since most of us are raised with a binary view of the world, it can be difficult to step free of binary restraints, even for individuals who are themselves nonbinary. It can make interacting with nonbinary deities, spirits, and entities more confusing or limiting than it needs to be. Come with an open heart and a curious mind, as we explore how to achieve a nonbinary perspective that enriches your life and your practice, for people of all genders.

If you are interested in reading up in advance, my articles on this topic are all listed in Nonbinary & Transgender Topics.

Animistic Perspective

Animism is a natural human impulse, as odd as that might seem in the context of greater Western culture.  If you have ever cussed out an electronic device or a curb you tripped over, or thanked your car for making it there in time, you engaged with those things in an animistic way.  Animism means understanding that everything has a soul, from you and me to every animal, plant, object, and place.  It is a cosmological perspective on the nature of reality that is compatible with most cultures, traditions, and paths, and an important feature of the philosophies and cosmologies of a great many religions, both historic and modern.  Join me as we explore what animism is, what I mean by “souls”, how to explore animism energetically, and how to apply animistic principles in your personal practice and everyday life.  Fully embracing animism is a path to greater understanding of the spirits that exist around us, finding magic and wonder in urban zones, engaging compassionately with the world, and appreciating ourselves as one component of a much larger interconnected web of reality.

You will find all of my articles and posts related to animism under the animism tag.