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General Update 10/21/2022

Last update to this blog was on July 21, three months ago exactly. I am truly sorry for that. I had intended to warn that this blog would have little to no activity for a bit, but obviously that post didn’t happen. The beginning of August, my spoons went to The Gathering Paths, and after that I was over my head in moving my domicile. I’ve been here for a couple weeks, but in complete burnout from the overexertion involved in moving. I’m still not doing great, but attempting to catch up on some adulting that needs doing, so I’ll keep this one brief.

Looking Ahead

The next big thing I have on my plate is presenting on the ethics of baneful magic at Changing Times Changing Worlds, which is still happening as a 100% virtual conference this year, November 7-11, 2022. I will be posting specifically about that in the near future, but if this interests you, you can register on their website right now.

Posts will likely continue to be sporadic for the next few weeks at least, as most of my spoons are going into organizing and unpacking in my new home. That said, I do have a couple new sigils created, plus lots of things bouncing around in my head I want to write about, and an eternal hope that I might manage to do some art or embroidery once I’m fully settled in.

I also want to go through my site, in all of its monstrosity, paying close attention to older pages and reformatting them so they are viewable on mobile. I have realized that a significant part of the older content, especially navigation pages, are difficult to impossible to use in mobile, which is how most people view my website anymore. The layout problems are not surprising given that I haven’t touched most of that content in at least six years, and there have been very significant changes to how both WordPress and mobile browsing works and are laid out in the intervening time.

Looking Back

The last three months have been… busy and exhausting. The Gathering Paths was amazing, and I do have a post-con blog post mostly finished that I’m hoping to get done and share with you in the near future. There is some hint on the convention’s instagram regarding future events, so hopefully the delay will mean that I can also share with you some info about upcoming activities when I finally share it.

Packing and moving, even with help, was very hard on me, so I am still very much recovering from the fatigue overload. Thankfully, I was mindful enough of my back problems that it didn’t go out on me, so the main issues are with the longer standing health problems and the associated chronic fatigue/ post-exertion malaise. But, those are unpredictable at best, so between the fatigue and unpacking, I cannot give any sort of timeline on resuming regular posts.

I guess that’s it, since I need to keep this brief. I’ll be in touch again soon.