Originally posted September 13, 2010. 8″x10″, bamboo pen and sumi ink on vellum paper~15 minutes This was drawn in class from a real dried artichoke. I was very happy with how it turned out. I need to get or carve myself some more bamboo pens in different sizes. Artichokes are related to cardoons and (more
Read MoreOriginally four separate posts made on September 6, 2010. Speedball 512 nib on smooth white paper8″x5″~.5 hour of workDrawn with a bud vase and rose in front of me. The first homework assignment for my class was to make four drawings of the same subject using four different pens or nibs. For this one I
Read MoreOriginally posted July 26, 2010. Colored pencil on black paper, 9″x12″ ~5 hours of work Reference: https://eli-stock.deviantart.com/art/Me-Red-Skirt-12-61929614 by ~eli-stock Entry for the elemental fairie contest being held by the All-Things-Pagan DeviantART group. My inspiration for this piece comes more from fantasy than pagan beliefs, as I view faeries as a people who are not inherently
Read MoreOriginally posted July 1, 2010. Commissioned plain black coutil underbust corset. It is made from two layers of black coutil, with 1/4″ spring steel flat boning, a lacing panel, and a double busk.
Read MoreOriginally posted June 28, 2010. 6″x6″Pitt brush pen on paper
Read MoreOriginally posted on June 26, 2010. Originally drawn in 2008. I actually made this drawing back in 2008, and I’m really not sure why I didn’t upload it at the time. I was going back through some of my minimalist pieces and pulled out four of them that were matted to put up in my
Read MoreOriginally posted on April 30, 2010. Fabric: Polyester double-satin ribbon and corset coutilBoning: 1/4″ flat spring steel bonesBows: Double-satin ribbon, tied on through buttonholes at the top of the busk.Busk: 8″ metal straight double-busk Commissioned tight-lacing corset, partial trade for modeling.
Read MoreOriginally posted April 23, 2010. ~2 hours of workReference: [link] by *MoonsongStock
Read MoreOriginally two separate posts made on April 10, 2010.
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