Tag: banishing

Sigils Witchcraft

Cycle Breaker Sigil

This sigil is all about breaking free from toxic cycles and patterns, and getting out of ruts so we have the opportunity to build better futures for ourselves. It can be applied to any ongoing cycle that is harmful to those stuck in it, like bad habits or addictions, toxic relationship dynamics, generational trauma, structural violence, or systemic oppression.

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The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

Accountability Culture, Personal Responsibility, and Our Communities

I am a very strong proponent of Accountability Culture. Accountability is key to personal and community growth, healing and reconciliation, and achieving peaceful intersectional inclusion. Accountability Culture is to Cancel Culture, what Call-In Culture is to Call-Out Culture, in that it holds people responsible for their words and actions, while also providing the opportunity for growth, change, and reconciliation before bringing down the hammer of ultimate judgement and banishment on those who refuse to be accountable.

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The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

Contemplations of the Void

When I talk about or call upon the Void, I am talking about that which is outside of our universe, outside of our reality. I am talking about that from which our entire universe came forth, and to which it will someday return, only to begin a new universe all over again. I am talking about a place of unreality which is pure undetermined potential.

Contemplating the Void is an attempt to answer the question of what existed before “The Big Bang”, where creation deities came from, how anything ever came to be, and where it will all go when it ceases to be.

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