The first version of this corset was finished last month, and mailed off. At the time I sent it I had concerns about whether or not it would fit, because the needed shaping was proportionally different from the conical stays I had made previously. Interestingly, this pair of stays, which were ordered shortly afterward, were
Read MoreI have a series of four workshops coming up in the next month, all centered around Renaissance costuming and corset-making. In the near future this series will be followed up with a workshop on Renaissance-style hoop skirts and bum rolls, as well as workshops on how to draft and construct true Effigy-style corsets using reed
Read MoreOne of the interesting things about being entirely self-taught is that I learn things all out of order. During the last couple days I did a lot of pattern drafting, including finally sitting down and figuring out how to make from measurements a standard body block for pattern-drafting. It’s been on my to-do list for
Read MoreThe reason you worry about grain is that all fabrics (even coutil) have stretch on the bias. In order for a corset to retain as true a shape as possible, the bias stretch needs to be minimized. To that end, I place the bias such that the pull on the panel will be as close
Read MoreI drew up a quick sketch and some basic tips on LiveJournal in regards to corset pattern drafting. It’s not much, but for what it’s worth: I actually sat down with a chemical engineer friend to confirm the practicality of using a mathematical formula to determine the amount of hip-spring to draft into any corset.
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