This corset is a bespoke custom commissioned tight lacing underbust, using two layers of black corset coutil, with dramatic attached garters and front lacing. Fabric: Two layers of black corset coutil Boning: 1/2″ flat spring steel bones Piecing: Six panels per side Garters: 3/4″ wide silver and black garter grips
Read MoreThe current corset on the sewing machine is a plus-sized, tight-lacing underbust corset with front lacing and attached garters. One half is laid out in the photo. The other half is folded up under it on the right of the image. The front of the corset is on the left, and the back is on
Read MoreUpdated on the concept sketch for the plus-sized underbust. I was a goof-ball and didn’t look at my notes before drawing up the first sketch. It’s supposed to be front-lacing, not busk. The customer also decided she liked the look of curved shaping into the garters.
Read MoreConcept sketch for a plus-sized, tight-lacing underbust with attached garters.
Read MoreToday I finished a silk cover, fully boned, tabbed Elizabethan corset. I did not take fully detailed pictures since I was pressed for time during construction and the size of the corset made the logistics of using it as a detailed example piece difficult. Next time I make a corset like this one I plan
Read MoreOriginally posted on November 2, 2009. Commissioned overbust corset The core is two layers of coutil, boned with 1/2″ and 1/4″ wide spring-steel flats. Cover material is dupioni silk. The lace at the bust was a bit of left-over from another corset project, which I added at the last minute to give the corset a
Read MoreOriginally posted March 16, 2009. Commissioned custom corset – a modern bra-cup overbust with low back. It is to be worn with a dress that has a very low back. The is the first garment I have made with a bra-cup top, which proved to be far more work than I was expecting. I have
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