I worked on two paintings tonight. One is a continuation of the Diana Portraits project, where I laid down a second underpainting layer on a new test portrait. The other painting I worked on was the Complete Contentment Celtic piece, which is finally nearing completion.
Read MoreToday I finished the style test portrait for Diana, in preparation for making very large oil painting portraits of her children. The finished painting is 9″x12″ on canvas board. It was made in eight sessions.
Read MoreI spent a little time painting this afternoon. It’s not much, but the weather was turning to rain so I came back inside. Updates are to the commissioned portrait and celtic knot work oil painting.
Read MoreI spent about three hours painting this afternoon, finished two small paintings, and added a lot of detail to the commissioned portrait. This entry describes the WIP commission portrait.
Read MoreThis afternoon I happily spent the afternoon painting. I finished on small still life (Glass Vase and Candle), worked on three other paintings, and also prepared two more small paintings. In this post, I will show you the three WIP paintings.
Read MoreI had a little time on Sunday to work on paintings. Diana – WIP 3 9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board 4 sessions Unlike WIP3, this one is fairly color-true. This layer I added very thin shading to the lighter parts of the skin, defining some details and adding warmth. I also added another layer
Read MoreThese are the two paintings I was able to work on this afternoon before it got too dim. Diana (Commission) WIP 2 9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board 3 sessions Last week when I sat down to do this layer I found that it wasn’t dry enough yet, so all I added was the white
Read MoreI had a couple hours to paint this afternoon. First on the list was the commissioned sample portrait. Diana – Commission – WIP1 9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board 2 sessions This is probably the ugliest stage in any painting, made uglier by some less than stellar placement of shading on the right eye and
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