There are innumerable easy alternatives to white sage and palo santo. It is not fair to the varied practice of smoke cleansing, or to the huge varieties of reasons for doing it, to place all that weight on one single plant and one single style of working.
Read MoreWhen I talk about or call upon the Void, I am talking about that which is outside of our universe, outside of our reality. I am talking about that from which our entire universe came forth, and to which it will someday return, only to begin a new universe all over again. I am talking about a place of unreality which is pure undetermined potential.
Contemplating the Void is an attempt to answer the question of what existed before “The Big Bang”, where creation deities came from, how anything ever came to be, and where it will all go when it ceases to be.
Read MoreWe are going to double down on the solar and lunar influences in this pagan/witchcraft ritual in support of the George Floyd protests and Black Lives Matter.
Read MoreI had originally hoped to get this article compiled and published before the June 5th supermoon, but there will be more full moons and new moons, and any time of the month is the right time for social justice. We need to put effort and energy into social justice both now and into the future in order to achieve true equality for everyone. These links might help.
Read MoreGrief is love with nowhere to go. There is a lot to grieve right now, and there will be a great many more losses before the COVID-19 mess is over. This article gives some insight and advice around grief and the grieving process, and offers full and new moon rituals to help with processing your grief.
Read MorePracticing scientifically minded witchcraft means acknowledging the validity and veracity of both the scientific process and liminal magical practices. Despite the superficial contradictions involved in that statement, science and magic are not at all mutually exclusive, and no, I don’t need to appeal to quantum theory to make that assertion.
Read MoreAll of energy manipulation and metaphysical manifestation is will vs will. When you don’t see results from magic that involves the wills of others, give yourself a break. Dust yourself off, and give it another go. Keep it up long enough, and you can bring down a wall with a hammer.
Read MoreIt is easiest to make moon water by bathing it in moonlight at night, but that’s not always possible. The energies of the moon are pervasive, if more subtle in the shadows. Moon shadow energy reminds us that even when we can’t see the light, can’t see a way forward, such things still exist and affect us.
Read MoreNonbinary pathways are often inherently liminal because they defy the standard paths and perspectives of our societies. I give my sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone who was a part of the Nonbinary Ritual, and a part of my day at Pantheacon. It was an amazing experience, and I will treasure it always.
Read MoreWhen organizing for or presenting at public events, please don’t allow exclusionary events or presenters, ever, no matter the justification. Public spaces are inherently not curated or are minimally curated. That’s what makes them “public”, and thus open to all. When you attempt to curate public spaces by excluding groups, you create an antagonistic situation where there are “worthy” people, and “other” people. These exclusions are going to be based on things such as sex, gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, ancestry, religious path, age, etc. You know, things that are ideally legally protected from discrimination in all aspects of public life and welfare.
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