Tag: self-awareness

Toxic Blood

Toxic Blood: Epilogue

It is never too late to set boundaries, to heal, and to respect yourself.  That road tends to be long, winding, and full of setbacks, but that is a painfully natural and necessary part of the process.  Those setbacks, no matter how many times they happen, and no matter how severe they are, do not define the outcome.  You do.  So, when you get knocked down, take a rest if you need to, do what you must to take care of yourself, get back up, and keep fighting.  You, your happiness, and your wellbeing are worth it.

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Toxic Blood

Toxic Blood: Relationship Status

Chapter 20 – It is extremely normal for people to assume Diana and I are a lesbian couple, but despite how much we love each other, our relationship is not based in romance and sex.  I love and value all my friendships, but the friendship I have with Diana is the one that I know I can count on for the rest of my life, through the good and the bad, until death do we part.  With her in my life, I am no longer lonely, and neither is she.

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Toxic Blood

Toxic Blood: Drugs are Bad

Chapter 12 – My parents frequently delivered trite variations on, “Drugs are bad.  Don’t ever do drugs.”  They couldn’t say more than that, because they also insisted they that they knew absolutely nothing about, had never been around, had never done, and never would do, any drugs. They are liars

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