Tag: symbology

Tarot & Divination The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

Revisiting 20-Year Gone Personal Practice

This past weekend a box was found in the back shed at my partner’s parent’s home.  This box, thought long gone, had been missing since a move twenty years ago, and it contained almost all my magical tools and altar supplies at the time.  I would have been homeless at the time if not for my chosen family. What belongings I kept went into the garage, apparently except for this one box, turning it into a personal time capsule of my magical practice at the age of 23.

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The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

The Trap of Waiting for Perfection Before Acting

It is easy to fall into the thought trap of needing everything to be perfect before acting, whether that action is magical or mundane. It is certainly true that some things must happen before other things can happen, or it may be best practice to wait for certain circumstances. However, you can never be absolutely certain that everything will go perfectly, so if you wait until perfection is assured, this can easily result in never acting at all.

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The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

Contemplations of the Void

When I talk about or call upon the Void, I am talking about that which is outside of our universe, outside of our reality. I am talking about that from which our entire universe came forth, and to which it will someday return, only to begin a new universe all over again. I am talking about a place of unreality which is pure undetermined potential.

Contemplating the Void is an attempt to answer the question of what existed before “The Big Bang”, where creation deities came from, how anything ever came to be, and where it will all go when it ceases to be.

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The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

Interconnected Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, & Air)

In my experience, the elements are worlds away from the isolated energetic bastions of oppositional power which they are often portrayed as. On the contrary, I have found that each element, no matter how “pure” the conjuring or elemental, contains a seed of every other element. Rather than being isolated and oppositional, the elements are interdependent and interconnected in a balanced matrix, incapable of existing without each other.

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