Words Have Power

This page lists articles I have written on witchcraft, paganism, and spirituality. Some articles are listed under multiple headings.

These articles focus on nuance of meaning, connotation, and responsibility in our word choices. Words have the power to hurt or heal, teach or deny, clarify or obfuscate, and often the difference between the various extremes is choosing one word over another in an otherwise identical sentence.

Why and How to Use Gender Neutral Language, article by Sidney Eileen on http://TheBalancingPath.blog

Why and How to Use Gender Neutral Language

When hurtful and exclusionary words come from authorities in pagan, pword, and magical circles, that diminishes our communities and supports an unwelcoming atmosphere for marginalized people. It can be hard to know how to avoid such harm, so here are some tips on why, when, and how to use gender neutral language. Read More

Words Have Power - We Need Acceptance Instead of Tolerance, article by Sidney Eileen on http://TheBalancingPath.blog

Words Have Power – We Need Acceptance Instead of Tolerance

It is common to see acceptance and tolerance treated as synonyms, but this creates a false equivalency that distorts the core meanings of both words. Read More

Words Have Power - Why "Baby Witch" is Problematic, article by Sidney Eileen on http://TheBalancingPath.blog

Words Have Power – Why “Baby Witch” is Problematic

“Baby Witch” is a very problematic term when it is not self-applied. Calling someone a “baby” infantilizes, degrades, and harasses in most situations. Read More

Beyond Magical Names - Many Names for Many Reasons, article by Sidney Eileen on TheBalancingPath.blog

Beyond Magical Names – Many Names for Many Reasons

Names, even magical names, are mutable and can change over time as we and our circumstances change, so most people have multiple names they use every day. Most of those names have deeper meaning than the specific letters spelled out on our birth certificates or driver’s licenses. Read More

Accountability Culture, Personal Responsibility, and Our Communities, article by Sidney Eileen on TheBalancingPath.blog

Accountability Culture, Personal Responsibility, and Our Communities

I am a very strong proponent of Accountability Culture.  Accountability is key to personal and community growth, healing and reconciliation, and achieving peaceful intersectional inclusion.  Accountability Culture is to Cancel Culture, what Call-In Culture is to Call-Out Culture, in that it holds people responsible for their words and actions, while also providing the opportunity for growth, change, and reconciliation before bringing down the hammer of ultimate judgement and banishment on those who refuse to be accountable. Read More

Gatekeeping Gender Terms is Patently Harmful, by Sidney Eileen, on http://TheBalancingPath.blog

Gatekeeping Gender Terms is Patently Harmful

Gatekeeping gender terms is patently harmful, because it also erases and denies the gender experiences of people the gatekeepers feel do not “qualify”. Gender transcends the sex and the sex traits a person is born with, and so too must gender terms. Read More