Sacred Kitten
This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website.

Colored pencil on white paper 9″x12″
8 hours of work
Model: A sacred birman kitten, courtesy of ~claudiabirmans:
This drawing was another attempt to achieve the same impact on white paper that I can achieve on black paper. I’m still not quite there, but I do like this drawing very much. Any thoughts, comments, and critiques are welcome. Yes, I know that the left eye is slightly larger than the right. My bad.
To create the whiskers, I used workable fixative on the otherwise finished piece, and then added them in white watercolor pencil.
Edit: Apparently, I need a new monitor. The “cutout” effect and over blue-ing were both a result of poor digital editing of my scan. After seeing a couple of the comments, I checked the image on a friend’s computer and could see both, neither of which were visible on my own monitor. In fact, the image looked a bit yellow on my monitor. Hopefully the problems are fixed now. Thanks for letting me know.