Fine Art Still Life Work in Progress

Art – Rembrandt’s Coke

This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website, even if the item was never or is no longer displayed in my portfolios.

Originally posted on July 4, 2009. WIP images originally posted on May 6, June 8, June 21, and June 24, 2009.

Title: Rembrandt's Coke, Artist: Sidney Eileen, Medium: oils on canvas board
Rembrandt’s Coke

Oil paint on canvas board, 9″x12″
Five sessions
Reference: my own photo

This is a leftover project from my painting class. My instructor, David Lobenburg, named the piece.

I just added a few final details, including some deeper highlights on the cup, evening up the shadows on the table, and defining the lighting and shading directly underneath the candle.


Rembrandts Coke – WIP1

9″x12″ oil on canvas board
1 layer of paint
Reference: My own setup and photo

Another class project. Assignment was to paint a Coca-Cola and a plastic cup, the point being to learn how to paint something you can see through. I decided to add the candle and dramatic lighting when I set up the still life so I could practice lighting similar to what I intend to use in later painting projects.

The piece was titled by my instructor, David Lobenburg.

Rembrandt’s Coke – WIP2

Oil paint on canvas board, 9″x12″
Two sittings
Reference: my own photo

This is a leftover project from my painting class. My instructor, David Lobenburg, named the piece.

On this layer, I added texture and detail to the background and the table. I used a 1/4″ round brush with very loose bristles, and a lot of medium.

Rembrandt’s Coke – WIP3

Oil paint on canvas board, 9″x12″
Three sessions
Reference: my own photo

This is a leftover project from my painting class. My instructor, David Lobenburg, named the piece.

I brightened the highlights on the bottle and added more paint to the candle. I also painted in the bottle opener.

Rembrandt’s Coke – WIP4

Oil paint on canvas board, 9″x12″
Four sessions
Reference: my own photo

This is a leftover project from my painting class. My instructor, David Lobenburg, named the piece.

I added a little more color to the candle and bottle opener, painted in the cup, and added some depth to the shadows around the edges of the painting.