
Back from Nova Albion, and Moved In

I attended the Nova Albion steampunk convention this past weekend, and it was absolutely amazing!  I met a lot of neat people, attended very entertaining panels, showed off my costuming, admired the costuming of others, danced the night away, and generally exhausted myself in the most delightful ways.  I had brought most of my sketching materials intending to draw while I was there, but I was having so much fun interacting with other people that I never got around to it.

After what was a far more arduous move than it should have been, I am finally moved entirely into the new apartment and beginning the process of unpacking. During the next week I will be splitting my time between organizing the apartment and getting back to work on commissions. I have a few corset orders patiently waiting to be made, and lots of other projects (sewing, art, and tutorials) that I want to get working on.

Does a steampunk tarot deck sound fun to anyone else? ^_^