WIP1 – Black Satin Un-tabbed Conical
Today I worked on a black satin un-tabbed conical corset. Plan is to have it finished tomorrow, but I ran short of a couple bones so it will depend upon whether or not I can get the boning tomorrow.
The core is made from black corset coutil, partially boned. The cover material is black crepe satin, and the lining is black cotton broadcloth. It needs to have all the boning inserted and secured, the cover ironed and attached, and to be grommeted.

This is the single-piece cover layer for the non-tabbed black satin conical corset. The core has multiple pieces for stability, but the cover is cut from one piece so the appearance will be seamless.

The core is made from black corset coutil, partially boned. It needs to have all the boning inserted and secured, the cover ironed and attached, and to be grommeted.