Art – Minimalist Wolf Tattoo Design Commission
In October I was approached about creating a minimalist painting of a wolf for a tattoo design. The specific concept was a wolf, walking up a hill, pauses to look back over its shoulder at the viewer. One of the things I love about the small minimalist commissions is that I can make multiple finished renditions for a single commission, so the customer gets exactly what they want.

Brush marker on white paper.

Brush marker on white paper.
She liked the look of the first one, except for the placement of the head and the line of the outer cheek, so I created a third version for her to review.

Commissioned tattoo design.
Brush marker on white paper.
The third version is the one she chose for her commission.
I hardly recognized it as wolf before I start reading the post. At first I thought it was cat, sorry. But looking at it for a while, I can tell its indeed a wolf.