Sigils Witchcraft

Incantation for Sigil for Aging Cat Health

The Sigil for Aging Cat Health is designed to support good health and quality of life for cats as they age, and may be used on cats young or old to foster the longest and healthiest life possible. Remember that no amount of sigils or witchcraft is a substitute for meeting your cat’s physical needs for comfort and good health. Always take care of business so your spellwork has a solid foundation from which to affect reality.

NOTE: Chronic conditions are CHRONIC. No sigil will cure a chronic condition, so keep that in mind when using this sigil. Instead of curing, the goal is to help foster higher quality of life through managing symptoms, increasing accessibility of medical care and other therapies, and increasing the efficacy of proper medical treatment.

Sigil for Aging Cat Health - with incantation - by Sidney Eileen
Sigil for Aging Cat Health

My good health be with this cat
from now through all their days upon this earth,
that their lows be short
and their highs be long,
that they may be filled with vibrant energy
throughout their youth,
and enjoyable comfort
throughout old age,
with loving dedication,
So mote it be.

The above updated graphic includes a brand new incantation, to help with magical workings, clarify the intents of the sigil, and make sharing the sigil easier.

The sigil and incantation both acknowledge that aging is a bumpy road beset with increasing health issues, even under the best of circumstances. However, a long and high quality of life appropriate to your cat’s age and overall health, is a goal that is worth pursuing.

How to Use the Sigil for Aging Cat Health

You can use this sigil in any way that is in line with its intent and makes sense for your practice.  Some ideas are to:

* inscribe it on a candle
* print it or draw it on a piece of paper and place it on your altar or somewhere you see regularly
* put a copy in your wallet
* use it as the wallpaper, login background, or screen saver on your phone, tablet, or computer
* make something crafty and include the sigil in your creation
* use it as a focus for meditation
* place it over where your cat sleeps, eats, or frequently plays
* and so on

Your rendering of the sigil does not need to be perfect.  Intent is what matters, so do not worry if you cannot draw it “perfectly”.  As long as all the elements are there, you are good.

Like any sigil, it will be most effective when it is used in conjunction with real-world actions.  Be sure to do what you can physically ensure good health for your cat.  The sigil alone is not going to fix everything, but it can give a powerful boost to the actions you take, and hopefully help your cat live a long and high-quality life.

Please read On the Care and Use of Sigils for more information about how to use sigils.

Sharing the Sigil for Aging Cat Health

If you share this sigil, be sure to link back to this blog post so others who see it can find out exactly what it is charged to do.  Sigils are most effective when the user knows exactly what they were created to do, and that is also the only way they can be certain this sigil is right for them and their situation.

This sigil is Creative Commons licensed:

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit Sidney Eileen and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Want to Make Your Own Sigils?

I use the method described in the excellent book Sigil Witchery, by Laura Tempest Zakroff.  You do not need to consider yourself an artist to make your own sigils.

Want More Sigils?

Go to my Sigil Magic page to find all of the sigils I have created and shared publicly.