Incantation for Sigil for Cats to Use the Litterbox
The Sigil for Cats to Use the Litterbox may be used to magically encourage your cats to use the litter box, but physical effort is also very important. I highly recommend keeping your litterbox(s) full and clean, and taking all possible steps to make the litter box as attractive as possible if you actually want success in this area. No amount of spellwork is going to cause a cat to use the litter box if it is dirty and unappealing, and really, who could blame them?
May the beloved cats
that reside in this home
always prefer
to do their duty
in the proper place,
that unpleasant odors be minimized
and mess may be easily cleaned
without damage or distress
to feline, human, property, or other.
So mote it be.
The above graphic is updated from the original posting, and includes both the Sigil for Cats to Use the Litterbox and a brand new incantation to help clarify the intents of the sigil, and make sharing easier.
The sigil visually emphasizes love between the cat and owner, and having that love expressed through litterbox use by the cat and maintenance of the litterbox by the human, always hitting on target where and when it is supposed to be.
How to Use the Sigil for Cats to Use the Litterbox
You can use this sigil in any way that is in line with its intent and makes sense for your practice. Some ideas are to:
* inscribe it on a candle
* print it or draw it on a piece of paper and place it on your altar or somewhere you see regularly
* put a copy over the litterbox
* make something crafty related to your cat or the litterbox, and include the sigil in your creation
* use it as a focus for meditation
* draw it on the litterbox
* and so on
Your rendering of the sigil does not need to be perfect. Intent is what matters, so do not worry if you cannot draw it “perfectly”. As long as all the elements are there, you are good.
Like any sigil, it will be most effective when it is used in conjunction with real-world actions. Be sure to keep your cat’s litterbox clean and full, is a size and shape that is comfortable for your cat, and in a location where the cat feels comfortable doing their business.
Please read On the Care and Use of Sigils for more information about how to use sigils.
Sharing the Sigil for Cats to Use the Litterbox
If you share this sigil, be sure to link back to this blog post so others who see it can find out exactly what it is charged to do. Sigils are most effective when the user knows exactly what they were created to do, and that is also the only way they can be certain this sigil is right for them and their situation.
This sigil is Creative Commons licensed:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit Sidney Eileen and license their new creations under the identical terms.
Want to Make Your Own Sigils?
I use the method described in the excellent book Sigil Witchery, by Laura Tempest Zakroff. You do not need to consider yourself an artist to make your own sigils.
Want More Sigils?
Go to my Sigil Magic page to find all of the sigils I have created and shared publicly.