Originally four separate posts, all made on June 13, 2009. Oil paint on canvas paperACEO, 2.5″x3.5″One sittingNo reference Experimenting with clouds. Oil paint on canvas paperACEO, 2.5″x3.5″One sittingNo reference I like how this one came out, but the photo is lousy. If I can manage to get a better one, I’ll update the image. Oil
Read MoreOriginally posted June 8, 2009. WIP images were originally posted on March 10, April 1, and April 3, 2009. 9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board5 layers of paintReference: A photo provided by my instructor, taken by one of his friends Class project. I decided not to do any more painting on this piece, signed it,
Read MoreOriginally posted April 18, 2009. WIP images posted April 10, 2009 and April 1, 2009. 9″x12″, oil paint on canvas board3 layers of paintReference: My own photo (the doughnut was tasty) Another class project. Final layer:Finished the grout between the tiles. Using scrumbling (sp?) and a lot of medium, I added highlighting to the coffee
Read MoreOriginally posted March 10, 2009. WIP images originally posted March 4, 2009. 9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board3 layers of paintReference: a photo provided by my instructor, taken by one of his friends Class project finished. It didn’t at all match the point of the project, but I was very happy with how it turned
Read MoreOriginally posted March 10, 2009. 12″x12″ oil paint on canvas board3 layers of paintReference: a real tomato on the table in front of me Class project. It’s done. The photo didn’t turn out very well, but so be it. It’s a bit more orange-yellow around the stem in real life.
Read More9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board1 layerTime: ~2 hoursReference: A real potato Project for my painting class. I am considering leaving this one at a single layer, but I think another layer may add more depth. If anyone more familiar with painting than myself wants to offer any suggestions, I would be grateful. Every sitting
Read MoreThis is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website. 5 hours of work Reference: https://www.deviantart.com/cyborgsuzystock/art/footprint-02-dog-in-sand-24605594 by ~cyborgsuzystock Whew! I’ve never been
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