
The Balancing Path (prose) Witchcraft

Living a Life Free From Regrets

As far back as I can remember into my childhood, I wanted to live a life free from regrets. Now that I am in my 40’s I have a rather large number of them, but I also do not feel like I let myself down. When I said “free from regrets”, what I really meant was “wouldn’t go back to change it if I could.” Accumulating regrets is a natural part of living, and although I do regret how things turned out now and again, I respect and understand all my choices that led up to those things. I can’t think of a single one where I look back and genuinely wish I had made another choice.

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Events Witchcraft

Gathering Paths 2022 – Spoiled by Failure of Accountability

One of the community agreements of Between the Veils is accountability. When the closing ceremony of The Gathering Paths 2022 included aspects that were predictably triggering for those with Christian religious trauma, I expected BTV to adhere to its principles of accountability. Instead, here I am six months later, explaining how an otherwise amazing event was spoiled by hypocrisy and lack of integrity.

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Sigils Witchcraft

Uterus Bodily Autonomy Sigil

This sigil was created to help combat authoritarian violence against those who possess a uterus. It helps to protect and aid those with a uterus, and to empower those who are fighting to restore the basic human right to bodily autonomy. It also includes a component of baneful magic, returning equivalent and punitive harm back upon those who seek to control others’ bodies regardless of the harm they may cause in doing so.

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Sigils Witchcraft

Positive Political Impact Sigil

So often in politics, and especially American politics, it can feel like our voices have no power, that we are ignored or cheated out of having a say in changing our society for the better. The Positive Political Impact Sigil was created to give magical backing to your opinions and votes, to give them strength so they are harder to ignore or cast aside. This can help at any time when you are voting or voicing your opinions on social changes, be that at on a ballot, a petition, a poll or survey, a letter, etc.

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