Tag: corsetry

Corsets Sewing

Black Tight Lacing Underbust

This corset is a bespoke custom commissioned tight lacing underbust, using two layers of black corset coutil, with dramatic attached garters and front lacing. Fabric: Two layers of black corset coutil Boning: 1/2″ flat spring steel bones Piecing: Six panels per side Garters: 3/4″ wide silver and black garter grips

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Corsets Sewing

1880’s Overbust Finished

I finally finished the 1880’s overbust wedding corset.  It has two core layers of coutil, a cream dupioni silk cover, and plain cotton lining.  The 14″ busk is backed with a 1/2″ wide spring steel flat.  All of the boning is 1/4″ wide spring steel flats or spirals.  I used four spiral steels on each side, for the

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