This is a bespoke plus-sized corded regency corset, made with drill cover and coutil interlining, with padded shoulder straps, drawstring on the bust, a busk pocket, and fan lacing.
Read MoreThe corded Regency corset is finished, including the fan lacing. The chemise is also finished, and the bodiced petticoat is very close to being finished. This post shows details on how the fan lacing was made.
Read MoreThe machine-washable corded Regency corset is now fully assembled and grommeted.
Read MoreThis entry on the Regency Corset shows how to create looped buttonhole eyelets, and how to attach the busk pocket to the front of the corset.
Read MoreI worked on the corded regency corset some more yesterday. The shoulder straps are padded, the lining is attached, the busk pocket is sewn (if not yet attached), and the bottom edge has been bound.
Read MoreI made a lot of progress on the new corded regency corset Sunday. The body is now fully assembled, and all the cording has been inserted.
Read MoreThis entry continues the photo description of creating a corded regency corset. I worked a couple hours a couple days last week, taking photos as I went. Today I did a lot more work, and it is now assembled and corded on the front and side panels.
Read MoreI spent the afternoon and evening working on the regency corset. There will be absolutely no metal boning anywhere in the corset, and all the materials, including the cording, have been pre-washed in hot water so the finished corset will be machine washable.
Read MoreThe three mock-ups are finally finished and I plan to get them in the mail tomorrow.
Read MoreMy Health and Sewing Plans in the Coming Months Today I finally made some progress on the three active corset orders, cutting out all three mock-ups. The last time I was able to work on sewing was mid-November, due entirely to ongoing health problems that significantly impact my ability to perform physical tasks. I still
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