Given the lack of tutorials on how to make herb bundles for smoke cleansing, offerings, and magic, I decided to experimentally make a few of my own.
Read MoreSooo… I have decided to abort the Opus Anglicanum stitch-along. I’ll start it over again later, probably in the middle of August. I’ve made a lot of mistakes since the start, but I was trying to see it through. However, at this point the mistakes are too glaring and grievous, and I hate how it’s turning
Read MoreIn part 4 of the Opus Anglicanum stitch along, we will be stitching in the spirals of the right cheek and chin, outline most of the face, and fill in around one eye.
Read MoreIn part two of my opus anglicanum stitch-along, we will embroider the black outlines around the face, and fill in the barbette and neck.
Read MoreDate: May 24, 2015, 3-6pm Location: San Jose, CA, USA Event name: Corset Pattern Alteration Workshop at Clockwork Alchemy Further info: The workshop is free for anyone attending the Clockwork Alchemy or Fanime conventions. You must have a convention pass valid on Sunday to attend. Clockwork Alchemy is a steampunk themed portion of the
Read MoreI have posted a new tutorial, Basics of Opus Anglicanum Embroidery. It outlines the stylistic details that make opus anglicanum embroidery unique, and provides instructions in the basics of how to emulate the style in your own embroidery. It’s an online version of a handout I have created for an opus anglicanum workshop I will be
Read MoreI have posted six new tutorials on hand sewing. The majority of the content I wrote about four months ago for a worskhop handout, and I am very happy to finally have it converted to tutorial format on my web site. Hand Sewing Tutorials New menu page for tutorials on hand sewing. Medieval Hand Stitching
Read MoreMy tutorial, Colored Pencil Fur on Black Paper, was published in the July issue of COLORED PENCIL Magazine! They always have a valuable information for colored pencil artists, and monthly art challenges which are free to enter.
Read MoreThe corded Regency corset is finished, including the fan lacing. The chemise is also finished, and the bodiced petticoat is very close to being finished. This post shows details on how the fan lacing was made.
Read MoreI give some tips for drafting a gored corset pattern which will probably be most helpful to people who already know how to draft their own basic corsets, or at least already have a vertical panel corset pattern they know fits.
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