Fine Art Steampunk Art Work in Progress

Art – Self Portrait – New Year 2009

This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website, even if the item was never or is no longer displayed in my portfolios.

Originally posted June 21, 2009. WIP images originally posted May 18, June 5, and June 11, 2009.

Title: Self Portrait - New Year 2009, Artist: Sidney Eileen, Medium: oils on canvas board
Self Portrait – New Year 2009

Oil paint on canvas board, 9″x12″
4 painting sessions
Reference: a photo of myself from New Year 2009

Finishing up the class project self portrait. Added highlighting to the goggles and hair, and added the spots.


Self Portrait – New Year 2009 – WIP1

9″x12″ oil on canvas board
2 layers of paint
Model: Me

The photo was taken in the hotel on New Year’s eve 2009, when my friends and I were getting ready to head to the club for the night. I’m not generally inclined to draw or paint myself. This painting is my last class project. I didn’t have time to finish it before the class was over, but I will finish it in the coming weeks.

Self Portrait – New Year 2009 – WIP2

Oil on canvas board, 9″x12″
3rd session
Model: myself

I stole a couple hours to paint today, when I really should have been working on commissions or cleaning or any number of other, more important things…

Moved the light reflection on the goggles so it matches the overall lighting. Added detail to the mouth. Added freckles, ’cause it wouldn’t be a portrait of me without them.

Self Portrait – New Year 2009 – WIP3

9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board
3 painting sessions
Reference: a photo of myself from last New Year’s

Finishing up the class project self portrait. Added color and texture to the hair and shirt. Probably just one more sitting before it’s done.