Conversational Corsets Sewing Work in Progress

1880’s Overbust WIP3, Current Work Status

I am currently working on flossing the corset.  I used a very basic flossing stitch on the tops of the boning because they will be mostly hidden by the lace edging on the top edge of the corset.  I am planning to add more decorative elements to the flossing along the bottom, but I’m not quite decided on the exact pattern.  I’m thinking geometric, but we’ll see how it comes out tomorrow.

I used a tight zig-zag stitch on the top and bottom edges to prevent any further freying on the corset while doing the hand-stitching.  The corset still needs edging, lace, the backing bone for the busk, grommets, and the lacing panel.  I am expecting to take final photos late Friday night and put the corset in the mail on Saturday.

Canvas surtout – 100% done (no photos yet)

Steampunk underbust – 100% done (no photos yet)

Adjustable underbust corset – 100% done (no photos yet)

1880’s silk overbust corset – In progress

Victorian silk overbust corset – 3rd mock-up drafted

Black tight-lacing underbust with garters – Fully Drafted

White tight-lacing underbust – Scale Drafted

Merry Widow corset pattern – Not started

Victorian overbust corset pattern with low hips and shoulder straps – Not started

Plain tabbed Elizabethan corset – Not started

Traditional/Punk Rock fusion Wedding Gown – Planning/mock-up stage, scale pattern drafted

Machine washable corset dress – Pattern drafted, postponed