Steampunk-Meme Minimalist Paintings – Batch 1
Over the past two days I’ve been working on a batch of eight textured acrylic mini canvas board minimalist paintings (For being minimalist, the description sure is a mouth-full!). They are mostly on 3″x5″ canvas board, with one 4″x5″ and one 5″x7″. This entry shows the WIP photos I took along the way as I created layers, starting from the initial texture layer where the pencil marks are still visible. During painting I discovered that none of my oranges or yellows are opaque enough to cover pencil, so in the future I know to start with a layer of white if I intend to have a base color in one of those shades.
At this point they are signed and finished, although a couple of them were still drying when I took the above photo. I’ll take nice photos of them when the weather outside allows, which will hopefully be tomorrow. The texturing on the paintings makes them problematic to photograph indoors with artificial lighting.
Project: Steampunk Minimalist