I may not be consistently drawing, but I am consistently writing, so I decided to take the plunge and set up a Patreon account. It’s quite modest, with patron levels of only $1 and $5 per month. It is set up for those of you who can and want to support my creative efforts, even though I can’t promise lavish rewards.
The most interesting and involved reward is for the $5 patron level only. For each year of support at that level, you may request a custom magical sigil or small minimalist drawing. I am not yet able to start up business again, so this is the only way to commission any artwork from me of any kind or size. I don’t expect that to change for the foreseeable future, because I’m having a tremendously difficult time stopping the autoimmune cycles of my illness.

What I can promise is to post on Patreon everything that I am doing, and anything I have scheduled, including a couple things that I am not posting here.
I am writing articles for Patheos in advance of submission. This gives me a bit of a buffer in case of a bad symptom bout preventing me from writing on any particular week. Patrons have advanced access to those articles, without images, as I write them. Patrons can also see my writing prompt list, and make requests for topics to write about. I will also be giving patrons small clips of the book I am writing about my relationship with my blood family.
On the artistic end of things, any time I do manage to work on anything, I will post it to Patreon immediately. Sketches will be posted to this blog later, in batches, one time per week at the most. In some cases WIP images will be posted here only when the artwork is completed, rather than as I work on it.
I very much want to get back to photo-documenting my creative processes, and I also want to expand into video documentation. Patrons will get to see all the rough stuff, unedited, as I take it, instead of having to wait for me to fully process the media.
It is my hope that over time my health will continue to improve, and I will be able to offer more to my patrons. I may not have a great deal I can promise at the present time, but what I have doesn’t need to be flashy or impressive to matter to me and those who appreciate my art and writing. So, I’m starting modestly, and it will just have to grow from there.
I will be delighted if you decide to come along for the ride.
Become a Patron!