Sigils Witchcraft

Cancer Treatment Sigil

The Cancer Treatment Sigil is designed to support the body throughout medical treatment, eliminate cancerous cells, and encourage access to the best possible care, granting increased odds of beating cancer and achieving long-term remission.

NOTE: This sigil is NOT a substitute for medical care, and nothing guarantees success in cancer treatment. Instead, it is designed to support the body throughout the treatment process, and increase the odds of achieving long-term remission.

Cancer Treatment Sigil, by Sidney Eileen on

Intentions and Symbology of the Cancer Treatment Sigil

The overall arrangement of the sigil is built around crosshairs, or targeting sights, creating a mandala that focuses in on the center target (curing the cancer) and emanates out around the edges (send the cancer away).

Eliminate all cancerous cells

The main thrust of cancer treatment is to eliminate the cancerous cells, leaving the healthy ones, so the bulk of the sigil relates to this intention in some way. It is symbolized in the crossbones (kill the bad cells) layered on the crosshairs (hit the target accurately), in the multiple instances of + signs (health and healing, positive change), in the multiple open circles (completion and on target), and in the multiple arrows aiming towards the crosshairs (hit the target with power). It is also symbolized in the rays radiating out from the sigil, indicating the cancer cells being yeeted from the body and destroyed as treatment hits the target.

Minimize side effects from treatment

Side effects from cancer treatment are often brutal, and any reduction in them is of benefit. The multiple crescent moons, guarding in the four directions, shield from negative impact while recognizing that there will be ebb and flow of how the person with cancer feels day to day. The multiple + signs emphasize positive effects being stronger than the negative ones.

Medical professionals are skilled and attentive

In order for cancer treatment to go as smoothly as possible, and have the best chance of success, it is important that all medical personal who are involved are both skilled at their jobs and pay close attention to the changing needs of their patients. This is symbolized in the multiple + signs (medical aid symbol), the arrows (they effectively contribute to the success of treatment), and the hearts capping the crossbones (they care and are compassionate).

Receive quality care

This is a catch-all to ensure that all factors involved with quality care are given a boost, be that financial, insurance, approval of tests and treatments, ability to get to and from medical centers, care at home, understanding and aid from family, friends, and colleagues, or something else entirely. This is symbolized in the multiple + signs (manifest benefits), arrows (work towards the goal), crescent moons (if one needed aid wanes, another will enter to aid instead), asterisk at the center of the crosshairs (effective action will be taken), and the pentagrams (lend power and manifestation to remove barriers).

Receive swift and appropriate treatment

The longer cancer is untreated, the lower the odds of successful remission. That means it is critically important to receive the medical care as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is symbolized in the arrows (move quickly towards the goal), multiple + signs (positive action), and the bullseye created by the crosshairs and the larger circles (hit the target).

Testing is accurate and accessible

Exactly what testing is needed varies from cancer to cancer, but accurate and accessible testing is important to diagnose cancer, and to monitor throughout treatment. This intention helps to remove barriers to testing, allowing for the best possible course of treatment to be determined, followed, and adapted as needed. This is symbolized in the arrows (find the target accurately), and in the multiple ! symbols throughout the sigil (informative and accurate action).

This particular intention also means this sigil can be used preemptively as a ward against cancer, especially if you suspect you may have cancer, or have significant risk factors that mean you are more likely than average to develop cancer, because early detection is often key to successful treatment. Just use the sigil in conjunction with cancer screenings.

How to Use the Cancer Treatment Sigil

You can use this sigil in any way that is in line with its intent and makes sense for your practice.  Some ideas are to:

  • inscribe it on a candle
  • print it or draw it on a piece of paper and place it on your altar or somewhere you see regularly
  • put a copy in your wallet
  • use it as the wallpaper, login background, or screen saver on your phone, tablet, or computer
  • make something crafty and include the sigil in your creation
  • use it as a focus for meditation
  • draw it on the body using salted water, anointing oil, an herb blend, makeup, body paint, henna, markers, temporary tattoo pens, etc., especially before going in for an appointment or treatment session
  • print it onto temporary tattoo paper and apply it to your body
  • and so on

Your rendering of the sigil does not need to be perfect.  Intent is what matters, so do not worry if you cannot draw it “perfectly”.  As long as all the elements are there, you are good.

Like any sigil, it will be most effective when it is used in conjunction with real-world actions.  Be sure to do what you can physically to support your cancer treatment, and be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions.  The sigil alone is not going to fix everything, but it can give a powerful boost to the actions you take, and hopefully help you live a longer life.

If you wish you use it as a focus in workings to help the world in general and anyone who needs it, you are welcome to do so.  Instead of focusing the sigil for a single person/situation, send the intent to help anyone who is fighting cancer and could use the benefits of the sigil.

Please read On the Care and Use of Sigils for more information about how to use sigils.

Tattoos and Body Art of the Cancer Treatment Sigil

If you want to get a tattoo of any of my sigils, you do not need to ask me for personal permission.  Permission is granted.  However, I do recommend that you carefully consider whether or not the sigil in question is actually something you need working on you constantly for the rest of your life.  If the answer is no, temporary body art is probably the better way to go, even if you recreate it on a frequent or semi-regular basis.

I also strongly recommend using a temporary body art method to test-drive any sigil before getting it permanently inked.  This can let you test the impact of the sigil, including how placement changes the effects.  This isn’t just some cool design that you like.  It is a piece of magic and will have impact beyond aesthetics.

In the case of cancer treatment, also please carefully consider the physical impact on the body. Tattooing involves damaging the skin to insert the ink beneath the surface. This creates a wound that the body must heal, and if you are in the middle of cancer treatment, it is likely your body does not need the added stress of an avoidable wound. A temporary application method is probably the more supportive way to go. Instead, get the tattoo while you are in full remission if you want it permanently inked for the rest of your life.

If you do decide getting a tattoo of one of my sigils is the way to go, I would love it if you showed me how it turned out!  You can send me a message through my website or social media.  If you post the photo to the internet, please tag me on social media so I can see.

Print-on-Demand Purchase of the Cancer Treatment Sigil

I have set up the Cancer Treatment Sigil print-on-demand in my RedBubble shop, so it can be more convenient to use for those who do not have the time/skills/energy to redraw or recreate the sigil. I have set the items in the shop to 0% commission, so the prices you see are the base prices. Due to my own health problems, I am incapable of doing order fulfillment or running a business, and as a spoonie witch I want the convenience of purchasing for myself as well.

Print-on-demand is provided purely as a convenience, not as a business endeavor. That means I am unlikely to rush to meet any requests for available items or sigils, and I have no control over RedBubble’s order fulfilment processes. I have not purchased or tested the vast majority of products available from RedBubble, but I have set them up in ways that I hope will be issue-free.

Sharing the Cancer Treatment Sigil

The sigil graphic does contain enough text to help clarify it when it is shared out in the wilds of the internet, but best practice is to include a link back to this article.  That way others who see it can find out exactly what it is intended to do, in detail.  Sigils are most effective when the user understands the symbology and knows exactly what they were created to do, and that is also the only way they can be certain this sigil is right for them and their situation.

This sigil is Creative Commons licensed:

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit Sidney Eileen and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Want to Make Your Own Sigils?

I use the method described in the excellent book Sigil Witchery, by Laura Tempest Zakroff.  You do not need to consider yourself an artist to make your own sigils.

Want More Sigils?

Go to my Sigil Magic page to find all of the sigils I have created and shared publicly.