Sorry updates have been infrequent the last few weeks. I’m now a month into the school semester and starting to get back into the swing of college. I’ve also been having various glitches with the back end of my web site that has made updating a rather tedious endeavor. Thankfully, it seems to be behaving
Read MoreI have returned to the local community college extension, part time. I’m taking a class in ancient art history, and a pen and ink drawing class, and I’ll post artwork and anything interesting from the classes. I have already been planning for this, and spreading out the orders for the next couple months. Sadly, I
Read MoreAfter re-posting my quilted corset demo, I received one particular comment complimenting the clarity and thoroughness of the tutorial, and warning me that I might want to take softer photos of the actual corsets, to hide the precise seam placements. This individual meant very well, and was concerned for me that other corset-makers might steal
Read MoreI have been busy getting as much done as possible before getting on a plane tomorrow to go visit family. There’s a lot I want to post, but most of it will have to wait until I get back. I spent most of Monday working on the white coutil tightlacing underbust in the hopes of
Read MoreOne of the interesting things about being entirely self-taught is that I learn things all out of order. During the last couple days I did a lot of pattern drafting, including finally sitting down and figuring out how to make from measurements a standard body block for pattern-drafting. It’s been on my to-do list for
Read MoreI am currently working on flossing the corset. I used a very basic flossing stitch on the tops of the boning because they will be mostly hidden by the lace edging on the top edge of the corset. I am planning to add more decorative elements to the flossing along the bottom, but I’m not
Read MoreThe 1880’s overbust is ready for boning, flossing, and embroidery. Unfortunately, I am low on boning and the local store where I buy it is not open Monday or Tuesday, so this project is mostly on hold until then. I still have not done a photo shoot with the new corsets, best intentions aside. I
Read MoreI’m primarily working on the 1880’s overbust corset, which needs to be out in the mail next week. Currently the panels are about half assembled. The cover material is a cream dupioni silk, and it will have light blue boning channel stitches, flossing, and lace along the top, plus a little embroidery. I am taking
Read More“ wants to find the 2010 WORLD’s Most Beautiful Bustle Dress Costume!” 2nd Annual Contest: Entries Accepted: May 15th – July 15th, 2010 Votes Accepted: July 16th – August 7th, 2010 Finalists Announced: August 8th, 2010 Contest Winners Announced August 15th, 2010. Official Web Page: “Your Bustle Dress Costume Contest entry is to be
Read MoreBlack ribbon corset – 100% done – waiting to mail 1880’s silk overbust corset – 4th mock-up mailed Victorian silk overbust corset – 2nd mock-up mailed Canvas surtout – 100% done (no photos yet) Steampunk underbust – 100% done Machine washable corset dress – Pattern drafted Adjustable underbust corset – Pattern drafted Black tight-lacing underbust
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