How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

Cover the Grommet Panels

Fold and iron over the seam allowance on the loose side of the grommet panel.  Be sure to fold it towards yourself, with the outside of the corset facing up from the table.  Stitch it in place, folded over.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

Variation Note:

If you are using cover fabric on the back panel, your cover material should already be attached to the panel on the same side as the ribbon panel.  Fold and iron it with the coutil and skip down to the very last illustration on this page.

Cut strips of ribbon a little longer than the panel.  Stitch one side of the ribbon to the seam allowance, just inside the edge of the panel.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

Fold the ribbon around the edge of the panel. The bulk of the ribbon should be covering what will be the outside of the panel. Edge stitch it to the coutil, holding the ribbon tight around the edge.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

Stitch down the loose side of the ribbon, holding it flat to the coutil.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

Take the next strip of ribbon and stitch it down so it just barely overlaps the first ribbon.  For this corset I only needed two strips of ribbon.  If yours requires more, stitch down the loose edge and then ad another ribbon in the same manner.  These ribbons are just to cover the coutil, so the exact configuration is not critical unless you decide it should be for the aesthetics of your corset.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

When sewing down the last side of the last ribbon strip, fold it under itself so the coutil is just barely covered.  Top stitch the folded edge in place, hiding the coutil.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

The coutil should now be completely covered with vertical strips of ribbon.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen
This is the view from the inside of the corset.

Flip the corset so you are looking at the outside.  Fold the grommet panel in half and edge stitch it closed along the folded seam allowances.

How to Make a Basic Ribbon Corset, by Sidney Eileen

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