Once the cover and lining are secure, stitch any extra boning channels adjacent to the busk.
This corset has one bone on each side.
Insert the boning and stitch tight next to the top and bottom to hold the boning in place.
Trim the cover and lining so they are flush with the coutil.
To edge the panel is a little trickier than edging an entire corset. I used my machine for this corset, but if you prefer it can also be done by hand. Depending upon your skill levels, either may be easier or less frustration-inducing.
Cut a strip of ribbon a bit longer than the area to be edged.Stitch it to the front, 1/4″ from the edge.Fold over the loose end to the inside before folding it over the end of the panel. Be careful to hold it tight, so you don’t get slop at the transition from edging to ribbon panel.Holding it tight, tack that end in place either with your machine or by hand. That keeps it secure while fiddling with the other loose end.The outside loose end must be folded around the front side of the panel and tucked up underneath. It will take quite a bit of fiddling, especially the first few times you do this. Try to keep it under tension, so you don’t end up with sloppy bunching off the front edge of the corset.Fold it under and pull the length of ribbon down tight.Once you are holding the edging tightly in place, slide the panel end into your sewing machine and top-stitch to secure the folded-over ribbon. If you have trouble catching the ribbon tightly on the back side, stitch it by hand.The front portion of your corset should look something like this after edging.
Hello Sidney, I am finally going to try and make a ribbon corset using your tutorial as a guide. I think that I have read it at least three times! I wanted to thank you for so many details. I agree that being able to do as much marking on the pieces will help not to mix them up. I know that I will need to focus.
Hello Sidney, I am finally going to try and make a ribbon corset using your tutorial as a guide. I think that I have read it at least three times! I wanted to thank you for so many details. I agree that being able to do as much marking on the pieces will help not to mix them up. I know that I will need to focus.
Yay! I’m glad you are finding it helpful, and I wish you much success.