To prep the lining, cut two pieces of broadcloth or other lining material using the side panel pattern piece, and then fold over and iron over the seam allowance.
The center panel lining.
Line up the lining on the inside of the corset and top-stitch or hand stitch it in place. Once the lining is caught in the first few stitches, use tension to keep it lined up while sewing down the length of the panel.
In this photo the needle is holding the top end in place, and my left hand is holding the bottom end, including the lining material. I stopped and double-checked periodically while stitching to make sure the lining had not shifted side to side. The new seam is about 3/16″ in from the side of the panel, making it deep enough to catch more easily. After making sure the lining is secure, I top-stitched again about 1/8″ from the edge, to eliminate some of the loose lining outside the seam.This image shows the lining attached.
To finish the top and bottom edges, trim the ribbon to about 3/4″, fold it over nicely (to eliminate any loose threads and raw edges) and baste it to itself. The basting isn’t technically necessary, but it makes life a lot easier on the next step.
Turn the corset over, fold the ribbon to the inside, hold it tight, and top-stitch 1/4″ from the edge.
This photo shows the inside of the panel after top-stitching. All raw edges and loose threads are secured underneath the folded-over ribbon.The entire outside of the finished side panel.The inside of the finished side panel. This is the side where I attached my label, which is the white spot.This is what the corset looked like with the busk and side panels finished.
Hello Sidney, I am finally going to try and make a ribbon corset using your tutorial as a guide. I think that I have read it at least three times! I wanted to thank you for so many details. I agree that being able to do as much marking on the pieces will help not to mix them up. I know that I will need to focus.
Hello Sidney, I am finally going to try and make a ribbon corset using your tutorial as a guide. I think that I have read it at least three times! I wanted to thank you for so many details. I agree that being able to do as much marking on the pieces will help not to mix them up. I know that I will need to focus.
Yay! I’m glad you are finding it helpful, and I wish you much success.