I finished these stays for myself last November, and made the partlet the day before taking the photos. The bloomers are plain cotton bloomers I made years ago. The Stays: Fabric: Two layers of hemp canvas. Boning: Partially boned, with 1/2″ flat spring steel bones fanned for the front panel and 2 1/4″ flat spring
Read MoreSorry updates have been infrequent the last few weeks. I’m now a month into the school semester and starting to get back into the swing of college. I’ve also been having various glitches with the back end of my web site that has made updating a rather tedious endeavor. Thankfully, it seems to be behaving
Read MoreI finished the wooden busk and took a bunch more detail photos and some still life photos of the corset and busk before packaging it to mail off. The busk is hand-carved from solid oak using a dremel tool, and finished with Danish Oil. It is 2″x12″. I’m hoping to take the time in the
Read MoreI finished two new Renaissance stays which I’ve been working on for the past couple weeks. One is plain, and the other has a brown silk cover and leather edging. Both have a double-layer core of hemp/linen canvas, a change that I couldn’t be more pleased about. The hemp/linen canvas is superior to the cotton
Read MoreUp to now I had been making my plain Renaissance stays with the tabs separate pieces, sewn into the body. While it worked well, it took a lot of extra time and created sometimes problematic bulk at the waistline. I have been experimenting with using integral tabs, with the idea of retaining the simple body
Read MoreToday I finished a silk cover, fully boned, tabbed Elizabethan corset. I did not take fully detailed pictures since I was pressed for time during construction and the size of the corset made the logistics of using it as a detailed example piece difficult. Next time I make a corset like this one I plan
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