I spent the afternoon and evening working on the regency corset. There will be absolutely no metal boning anywhere in the corset, and all the materials, including the cording, have been pre-washed in hot water so the finished corset will be machine washable.
Read MoreI’m getting down to the wire for my section of Steampunk Projects from the Gaslamp Garage, and spent today speeding through making the corset to illustrate it. It’s more than half-way done.
Read MoreThere are a number of exciting large-scale writing, sewing, and art projects I’m contemplating in the next couple years. Not all of them will happen, most of them will alter greatly before they happen, and as details become firm enough I’ll happily share them with you. Today, I am talking about a corset-making section I will be contributing to the book “Steampunk Projects from the Gaslamp Garage.”
Read MoreI have spent most of the past week working on making additions to this web site, changes which are not quite ready to roll out yet. What I do have ready for your perusal is a pair of new tutorials, specially for the steampunk seamstress or tailor.
Read MoreFor those interested in corset making and wearing, you may want to check out bishonenranger’s YouTube Channel, which is full of excellent videos on everything from fitting and buying a corset, to wearing a corset daily, corset making, and even corset drafting.
Read MoreI am very pleased to announce four new tutorials. These have been sitting on my computer for a couple months now, and I couldn’t be happier to finally share them with you. The first two tutorials cover basic conical corset making, useful for creating a quality, fully functional foundation garment using modern materials. The first
Read MoreI now have How to Floss a Corset Kits and separate booklets available for sale. These kits include just about everything you need to learn how to floss a corset: How to Floss a Corset Booklet by Sidney Eileen Flossing sampler blank Spring steel boning Size 6 and 7 English-made embroidery needles Two colors of
Read MoreI have published a two-part demo/tutorial on how to make a Victorian overbust style corset with quilted gores. It’s the same information as in series of my journals last winter over at LiveJournal, and I compiled it into a formal 2-part article a couple weeks ago. I was originally waiting to publish until after this
Read MoreThis is the final blog entry regarding the construction of this particular black satin ribbon corset. It covers how to finish the grommet panel at the back of the corset. Fold and stitch down the seam allowance on the loose side of the grommet panel. Be sure to fold it up with the corset facing
Read MoreContinuing work on the double-satin ribbon corset, this part shows how I finished the side panels. I hand-folded the seam allowance for the second coutil layer and prepared to cover it with ribbon. For this corset, the panel was just slightly wider than the primary ribbon I am using, so I took some narrower black
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