Fine Art Work in Progress

Art – Voltaire WIP

This is a back-dated post for my archive project, where I am copying over every piece of art I have ever submitted to DeviantArt, with the original submission date or watermarked year stamp, so a complete archive of my work can be found on this website, even if the item was never or is no longer displayed in my portfolios.

Originally posted April 3, 2009.

Note from 7/30/2019: I don’t remember why I never returned to this piece, other than it didn’t at all catch my interest. It was for a class project, so it must have been gradable at this point, even though it was nowhere near done in my own estimation.

Voltaire – WIP1
9″x12″ oil paint on canvas board
1 layer of paint

Reference: a photo of a statue of Voltaire, provided by my instructor

Class Project.

One layer of paint. Nowhere near done. As I often do when drawing humans, I shortened the bottom half of his face. I intend to fix that on the next layer. The point of the project is to paint a high-value image in monochrome.